In much the same way as golf, snooker demands high standards of etiquette and behaviour from all players, at all levels, at all times. This applies in the same way to a local league match as it does to a big game in a professional tournament.
1.Shake hands with an opponent at the start and end of a match
2.Shake hands with the referee at the start and end of a match
3.Declare all your own fouls, at all times
4.Do not stand in line of an opponents shot
5.Do not volunteer remarks about an opponents luck whilst a match is in progress
6.Do not complain about playing conditions whilst a match is in progress
7.Do not strike matches or lighters, and try to avoid coughing whilst your opponent is at the table
8.Do not concede a frame or match when you have missed a shot or whilst your opponent is still at the table. Wait for your opponent to finish their visit before conceding.
9.Do not argue with the referee or your opponent.
Standards of behaviour are also just as important when practising in the snooker centre.
Practise1.Respect other players and keep noise to a minimum
2.Do not walk past another table whilst someone is playing a shot
3.Never interfere in someone else's match unless asked to do so
4.Respect equipment and leave the table as you would hope to find it
5.Do not smoke or spin coins over the table.
Lift the image of the game.